Love golden retrievers? Your heaven on Earth exists and it's in Vermont - F.S. Yousaf

Love golden retrievers? Your heaven on Earth exists and it's in Vermont

Heaven on Earth exists for dog lovers - and a visit there comes complete with cider and snacks.

Golden Dog Farm in Jeffersonville, Vermont, went viral for their Golden Retriever Experience, one-hour sessions where clients enjoy refreshments with a large group of "happy." golden retrievers.

In the Golden Retriever Experience, commonly known as a "happy hour," farm guests can enjoy at least 10 Butternut Goldens pups, run by local husband-wife combo Dana and Susan Menne.

Golden Dog Farm owners Doug and Becca Worple told USA TODAY that the enormous success did not seem likely when they started the endeavor earlier this year. Bookings sell out quickly.

Doug Worple's global digital advertising agency travel employment was halted by COVID-19. Like many others throughout the pandemic, he paused and considered his options.

He and Becca Worple, a radio station photojournalist and media representative, sold their Cincinnati house to move to Ontario for a family cottage.

"Then the border closed," stated Doug Worple. "Now we're two weeks out of closing on our house and didn't know where to go, so we decided to buy an RV and traveled to 35 different states, 17,000 miles in the RV with two of the dogs."

